Youth Ministry


Sunday - 9:45AM Sunday School, 10:45AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6PM Dinner, 7PM Bible study

"The Well" Student Ministry

Here at New Hope we firmly believe in training the next generation of believers to be prepared for whatever life throws at them. Life tends to beat down, distract, and dishearten young people. From peer pressure, to school, to issues with family and friends, life can wear students down. At New Hope, we are committed to refreshing and growing our youth in Christ. We get our name from the story of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well, in which he offers her living water so that she will thirst no more. So many times in young people's lives, they find themselves looking for something to satisfy their spiritual needs. We work to guide them to find rest, restoration, and growth in Christ. 

Meet The Youth Pastors

Avery Acton

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Romans 8:32-33

My name is Avery Acton. I have had the privilege of attending New Hope my whole life. I studied interpersonal communication and political science at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. I have had the honor of studying God's word under the mentorship of many Cumberland Presbyterian pastors. Pastor Donny has been very influential in my life both as my spiritual leader and also as my dad. I feel a strong call on my life to serve God by teaching our youth. The church can only be as strong as the next generation of believers and it is our duty to help them grow in their faith. 

Matthew Thornton

My name is Matt Thornton and I am one of the youth pastors here at New Hope where I have been a member for the better part of my life as well as a Campus Police Officer at a local college. I walked away from the church after I graduated highschool in 2009 and the Lord called me back home to New Hope around 2013. I began assisting the former youth pastor and found my passion for teaching the younger generation God’s truth and love; and helping them find their way through life’s many struggles and hurdles that our teens find themselves faced with every day.